Wednesday, 18 June 2014

How to Create a Text Document Bomb

Have you ever wanted to prank your friends into thinking they have messed up their computer? Here is a very simple prank that will create multiple text documents. This looks especially scary if you save the document to Desktop.


  1. Create a Text Document Bomb Step 1.jpg
    Open notepad by going to Start -> All Programmes -> Accessories -> Notepad. Vista and 7 users can just type "notepad", without quotes, into the start menu and hit enter.
  2. Create a Text Document Bomb Step 2.jpg
    Copy the following code:
    • For /L %%n in (1,1,10) do echo UR SCREWED!!!! >> SCREWED%%n.txt
  3. Create a Text Document Bomb Step 3.jpg
    Go to File -> Save As.
    • Change the "Save as type" box to "All Files".
      Create a Text Document Bomb Step 3Bullet1.jpg
    • Type "anything.bat" into file name and click "Save".
      Create a Text Document Bomb Step 3Bullet2.jpg


  1. Create a Text Document Bomb Step 4.jpg
    The "(1,1,10)" part is how many documents the file will create. It stands for 1x1x10, meaning the programme will create 10 files. This can be customised to any amount you want.
  2. Create a Text Document Bomb Step 5.jpg
    The "do echo UR SCREWED!!!" part denotes what the text document will contain. This can be customised. Don't change the "do echo" part otherwise it won't work.
  3. Create a Text Document Bomb Step 6.jpg
    The "SCREWED%%n.txt" part denotes the name of the file. This can also be customised. Don't change the "%%n.txt" part otherwise it won't work.

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